Dani Alves’ brother came out to address the false rumors about the footballer: “They want to see him dead”

“The information that comes to me is that Dani Alves committed suicide.” The few characters that made up the explosive message published this Saturday afternoon at social networks from a supposed journalist from Rio de Janeiro were more than enough to put the football environment in Brazil and around the world in suspense.

The brother of the footballer recently convicted of a rape case came out to quickly clarify the matter, while those around him warned that they are considering initiating legal action against the person who planted the false rumor.

How much cruelty do human beings have?. He was already condemned for the words of a woman who entered a men’s bathroom to do what only he and she know how. He was already convicted. Isn’t that enough?” he asked. Ney Alves on his Instagram.

Furthermore, he indicated: “Now, the crazy thing is that they want his death. They want to see my brother dead. But how cruel is this?”

Dani Alves with his brother, Ney

“My father is over 70 years old. My mother is over 60. They don’t have a family, right? These pages that continue to spread these things. May God have mercy on you,” strongly questioned the brother of the former Brazilian national team player, who had been in preventive detention for just over a year.

Dani Alves received a sentence of four and a half years in prison because the Justice found him guilty of having raped a 23-year-old woman in the bathroom of a nightclub in Barcelona, ​​in December 2022.

The court imposed an additional 5 years of probation, a restraining order from the victim for 9 and a half years and the payment of compensation of 150,000 euros (about $160,000) for moral damages and injuries caused to the victim.

"They already condemned him.  “Isn't it enough?” Ney Alves asked himself on Instagram.“They already condemned him. Isn’t that enough?” Ney Alves asked himself on Instagram.

Journalist Acaz Felleger, press advisor to Dani Alves, also denied the information, while anticipating that will take legal action against whom he launched the false version of the death of Lionel Messi’s former teammate in Barcelona.

“The information was planted on Twitter without any basis. No truthfulness. “I spoke with the lawyer and this irresponsible person should be sued,” Felleger said, as recorded. Radio Itatiaiafrom Belo Horizonte.

Apparently surprised by the magnitude of the repercussion of his message, the alleged journalist from Rio de Janeiro who started the false news retraced his steps and said that, in reality, he was referring to a “cousin Danielzinho from Nova Iguaçu who was missing.” , but they already found him alive.”

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