Cuba: Father Alberto Reyes points out that defenders of communism cannot deny the evident crisis in the country

The crisis in Cuba and the lack of freedoms are realities that cannot be denied, even by those who love Marxist ideology and prefer the socialist model, priest Alberto Reyes has pointed out in his latest column. I’ve been thinking.

“Today, in Cuba, you can love the Marxist ideology, you can prefer the socialist model, you can opt for the Communist Party, you can offer your life for our political leaders… All this is a right, but it is a right that does not “It cannot blind reason or cause the obvious to be denied,” wrote the priest of the Archdiocese of Camagüey. on your Facebook account.

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In his reflection, Father Reyes explains that psychology uses the term catathymia “to designate situations where the person experiences such a great emotional burden that he is unable to correctly evaluate the reality in front of him, and clings to the illusion of his mind, taking as real what he wants to believe, what he wants to exist and not what really exists.”

Despite this, he points out, those who defend the model imposed in Cuba cannot deny “that daily life is extremely difficult” on the island, with food at “prices well above people’s purchasing power”, shortages of medicines, repression for those who express their discontent, increased violence, a collapsed educational system and a regime that controls the Legislative, Executive and Judicial powers.

The priest writes that “this situation can be looked at from different ideological or partisan positions, but it cannot be said that they are not evident, and it cannot be denied that they desperately need a solution.”

“If loyalty to a Party or an ideology requires a person to take a stance against justice, freedom, truth and citizen prosperity, then accepting this demand is not only choosing blindness but choosing to be complicit in evil.” ”, he points out.

In that sense, he warns these people that this position “is not fidelity but submission. It is not passion but servility, against your own people and, in fact, against yourself.”

It is not the first time that Father Alberto Reyes has expressed his opinion on the Cuban reality and the lack of freedoms, despite the acts of repudiation or veiled threats that he has received from officials of the communist regime.

In July 2023 told ACI Prensa that “priests, men and women religious who have raised their voices have been harassed, acts of public repudiation have been made against us, and we have been called to State Security. “A lot has happened recently.”

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