Coptic Orthodox Church suspends dialogue with Vatican due to “change of position” on homosexuality

Coptic Orthodox Church suspends dialogue with Vatican due to “change of position” on homosexuality

“If someone chooses to embrace his homosexual tendency, however, and refuses to seek spiritual and emotional help, but instead continues to break God’s commandments, in that case, his situation becomes the same as that of someone living in adultery.” , the statement continues. “In such cases, they should be warned and advised to abstain from Communion, seeking repentance.”

One of the main reviews a Begging for confidence is that it does not mention repentance or the commitment to amend one’s life before receiving such a blessing.

Citing the words of Saint Paul in his Epistle to the Romans, with further references to his first letter to the Corinthians and passages from Leviticus, Orthodox Copts also stressed the Church’s condemnation of same-sex acts. “Consequently,” they added, they “strongly” oppose “all forms of sexual activity outside the confines of marriage,” adding that they view it as a “sexual distortion.” They also “firmly” rejected that cultural contexts can be used to “justify same-sex relationships,” as Copts believe it is “detrimental to humanity” as a whole.

They added that their Church believes in human rights and freedoms, but that these freedoms “are not absolute” and should not be used to “violate the laws of the Creator.”

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