continues despite the IGJ resolution and this Thursday the assembly will hold to re-elect Chiqui Tapia

continues despite the IGJ resolution and this Thursday the assembly will hold to re-elect Chiqui Tapia

It will be a show similar to 38 to 38, the infamous episode that ended in a tie, despite the fact that 75 leaders could vote. This Thursday at 4 p.m., The AFA is willing to ignore the measure of the General Inspection of Justice that on Tuesday suspended two key points from the agenda in the Assembly to be held in Ezeiza: the re-election of Claudio Tapia as president until 2028 and the annulment of relegations in the First Division.

Although they could expose themselves to intervention by the Ministry of Justice, Chiqui and company have decided to pull the rope and they don’t care if it breaks. At least, that is the idea that went viral in the WhatsApp group made up of high-ranking managers.

“Let them do it, they will face the consequences,” he told Clarion a government official. What’s more, they even conducted surveys that give them favorable results. Although the majority of fans do not agree with the Sports Joint Stock Companies, the wish of Javier Milei’s administration, A very large percentage has a negative image of Tapia. Not to mention the idea of ​​reforming the statute to eliminate relegations and set up a 30-team tournament for next year.

Pablo Toviggino sought legal protection to develop the Assembly. Tapia’s treasurer and right-hand man appeared at Civil Court 66 and requested “precautionary measures.” The strategy was so bizarre that he sued the AFA itself.

Judge Ricardo Pettis made an analysis of the situation, and beyond the fact that in his five-page brief he recognized that there could be an unfavorable ruling, rejected the precautionary measure requested by the leader, since there was no “statement from the IGJ regarding the complaint” presented. The dispatch is dated October 10.

Through his satellites, Toviggino let a paragraph of this resolution run in a whimsical way. The one that indicated that “there is no evidence – at the moment – ​​of the existence of any formal impediment to the holding of the assembly.” This Wednesday, he insisted on the same route, this time with the AFA as the plaintiff and in the face of the IGJ resolution, which declared “the irregularity and ineffectiveness” of the Assembly and the “prohibition” and “suspension” of the treatment of the points 8 to 16, those that allowed the re-election of Tapia, the reform of the statutes and until the change of company name to escape the clutches of the national body. In this way, it would remain under the wing of the Directorate of Legal Entities of La Plata, a land governed by Julio Alak, an ally of Axel Kicillof.

Pettis indicates in this new dispatch, dated this Wednesday, that “no resolution becomes final until the period provided for in the regulations to appeal it or raise legal remedies has expired.” And it also points out that it will be the Civil Appeals Chamber that will determine the resolution of the conflict and that the appeal previously presented – by the AFA – will have a “suspensive” effect. Therefore, the IGJ’s decision will be valid until the higher court confirms or rejects it.

The ruling of the IGJ that decided to annul the Ordinary General Assembly of the AFA where Claudio Chiqui Tapia was going to be re-elected. Photo: Capture

In the midst of this back and forth of frustrated court filings, Gregorio Dalbón, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s lawyer, appeared. And he published an extensive message in to associations that are intervened by governments.”

The Kirchner lawyer spent the entire day reposting Pettis’ resolution, which, as explained in the previous paragraphs, has no effect on the decision made by Daniel Vítolo, head of the controlling body.

IGJ sources described Dalbón’s behavior as “a show”. This Thursday, They will send observers to the Assembly and will be attentive to the movements. If Tapia is re-elected, they will make the corresponding report. Now, when the AFA decides to register its new authorities – among them, Juan Román Riquelme as vice president – ​​the act will be declared “ineffective.” And eventually intervention could be requested. The AFA plays with the “fear” operation. He even presented a letter from Conmebol that enables Chiqui’s candidacy.

The underlying fight has to do with the SAD, It’s clear. The AFA was in charge of blocking the possibility for members to choose whether or not they want to incorporate the figure of private capitalists into their structures. He did it through Epildio Portocarrero Tezanos Pinto, a federal judge from Mercedes who could be subjected to impeachment.

Talleres de Córdoba was the spearhead and its president Andrés Fassi was suspended for two years. Until now, no other leader followed him. The majority was aligned with Tapia. Even this Wednesday, Maxi Levy – former Boca bar and president of Almirante Brown – took a photo with Chiqui and Toviggino and published it on his social networks with a phrase from Che Guevara: “Until victory always, companions”.

The truth is that the hand in hand between the AFA and the Government will continue in court. Meanwhile, the teams that are at the bottom of the table will have to make an effort to avoid relegation. For now, the desktop won’t save them.

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