Constitutional Court endorses penalizing pro-life action before abortion centers

Constitutional Court endorses penalizing pro-life action before abortion centers

The Constitutional Court is currently made up of 11 members, of which four have announced that they will cast a dissenting vote in the sentence, whose speaker was María Luisa Balaguer.

The implementation of this norm has its origin in the sustained action over the years of pro-life groups that offer help, advice and information to mothers at risk of abortion, or undertake prayer campaigns in the vicinity of the centers. of abortion.

When the rule came into force, 40 days for Life in Spain activated a protocol in the year 2022, which has been updated, in which specific guidelines are given to participants in their campaigns on how to act.

In November 2022, the Bishop of Orihuela-Alicante, Mons. José Ignacio Munilla, joined the 40 days for Life campaign. Shortly after, the secretary general and spokesperson of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE), Mons. Francisco César García Magán, sent a message of support to Catholics who pray for the end of the prenatal homicidal practice in the vicinity of abortion businesses. .

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