Complete catechism of Pope Francis on temperance

If the temperamental person knows how to control his irascibility, this does not mean that he is always seen with a peaceful and smiling face. In fact, sometimes it is necessary to be outraged, but always in the right way. These are the words: a just measure and a just way. A word of reproach is sometimes healthier than a bitter and resentful silence.

The temperamental person knows that there is nothing more uncomfortable than correcting another, but he also knows that it is necessary: ​​otherwise evil would be given free rein. In certain cases, the temperamental one manages to keep the extremes together: he affirms absolute principles, claims non-negotiable values, but he also knows how to understand people and show empathy for them. He demonstrates empathy.

The gift of the temperamental is, therefore, balance, a quality as precious as it is rare. Everything, in fact, in our world pushes towards excess. On the other hand, temperance goes well with evangelical attitudes such as smallness, discretion, dissimulation, meekness.

He who is temperate appreciates the esteem of others, but does not make it the only criterion for every action and every word. He is sensitive, knows how to cry and is not ashamed of it, but he does not cry over himself. Defeated, he rises; Victorious, he is able to return to his old hidden life as always. He doesn’t seek applause, but he knows that he needs others.

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