Complete catechesis of Pope Francis: The announcement happens in the Holy Spirit

Complete catechesis of Pope Francis: The announcement happens in the Holy Spirit

They are temptations that are disguised as fidelity to tradition, but often, more than responses to the Spirit, they are reactions to personal dissatisfactions. However, pastoral creativity, being bold in the Spirit, ardent with his missionary fire, is proof of fidelity to Him. That is why I have written that “Jesus Christ can also break the boring schemes in which we try to enclose him and surprises us with his constant divine creativity. Every time we try to return to the source and recover the original freshness of the Gospel, new paths emerge, creative methods, other forms of expression, more eloquent signs, words loaded with renewed meaning for today’s world” (the gospel of joy11).

Creativity, therefore; and then simplicity, precisely because the Spirit takes us to the source, to the “first announcement.” In fact, it is “the fire of the Spirit that (…) makes us believe in Jesus Christ, who with his death and resurrection reveals and communicates to us the infinite mercy of the Father” (ivi, 164). This is the first announcement, which “must occupy the center of evangelizing activity and every attempt at ecclesial renewal”; to repeat: “Jesus Christ loves you, he gave his life to save you, and now he is alive by your side every day, to enlighten you, to strengthen you, to free you” (ibid).

Brothers and sisters, let us allow ourselves to be captivated by the Holy Spirit and invoke him every day: let him be the beginning of our being and our actions; He be the beginning of all activity, meeting, meeting and announcement. He vivifies and rejuvenates the Church: with Him we should not fear, because He, who is harmony, always maintains creativity and simplicity together, raises communion and sends on mission, opens to diversity and leads back to unity. He is our strength, the breath of our proclamation, the source of apostolic zeal. Come, Holy Spirit!

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