Colombia: Representative of bishops asks the government and opponents to think about the greater good of peace

Colombia: Representative of bishops asks the government and opponents to think about the greater good of peace

From the stage he gave an extensive speech in which he reiterated his willingness to convene a Constituent Assembly, announced the breaking of relations with Israel, encouraged his bases to defend the regime in the streets against any attempt at a “coup d’état” and encouraged to wave the flag of the M-19, the extinct guerrilla movement of which he was a part.

The president’s words were not well received by analysts and opponents, indicating that they do not seek to reach a national agreement. The former Minister of Finance, Juan Camilo Restrepo, told Noticias Caracol that Petro’s speech is “the symbol of national disunity,” because he calls for facing “one against another.”

Given this, in statements to the Colombian media, Mons. Héctor Henao called for “proactively building” projects that contribute to the common good of the country.

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