Colombia: Pro-life platform announces the National March for Life 2024 for May

Colombia: Pro-life platform announces the National March for Life 2024 for May

“So much so,” he points out, “that in 2022 the same Court changed the jurisprudence through the sentence C-055declaring that, for whatever reason, it was valid to torture and murder a baby in the womb up to 6 months of gestation, and already in the last semester, to abort it on the grounds until the last moment before birth.

However, “not happy with this, and in overwhelming cynicism, months later she announced to us that prohibits sport fishing, because it is not known if the fish ‘suffer’ with this practice.” “It is disturbing that a fish has more rights than an innocent Colombian, whose crime is growing inside his mother,” says Unidos por la Vida.

In that sense, he points out that it is “disturbing” that the authorities “are complicit in a genocide, where thousands of unborn children have been denied the possibility of seeing the light and having the opportunity to enjoy life, the right constitutional without which no other right is possible.”

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