Colombia: Bishops create episcopal commission for the prevention of abuse and violence in the Catholic Church

With the aim of deepening the prevention of abuse and violence in ecclesial environments, the Colombian bishops approved on Wednesday, July 3, the creation of the Episcopal Commission for the Culture of Care.

In a published note On its website, the Episcopate reported that the new group will be chaired by the Bishop of San José del Guaviare, Mons. Nelson Jair Cardona Ramírez, and also made up of the bishops of Armería, Mons. Carlos Arturo Quintero Gómez; of Santa Marta, Mons. José Mario Bacci Trespalacios; and from Caldas, Mons. Juan Fernando Franco Sánchez.

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The creation of this commission, carried out during the third session of the 117th Plenary Assembly, is a new step “on the path of attention and prevention of abuse and violence in the Church, that is, in the consolidation of the System for the Culture of Care,” stated the CEC.

In that sense, Bishop Cardona highlighted that “for some time now work has been going on throughout the Church to make our communities increasingly safer ecclesial environments,” for which a National Council for the Culture of Care has already been formed.

Regarding the work of the new commission, the prelate explained that it will work “from many angles” so that each parish, school and instance of the Catholic Church is considered safe for those who approach it.

“Let it be a welcoming environment, let it be an environment of protection for minors, for the disabled, for so many people who require all our care and affection,” he expressed.

Yesterday, Wednesday, the bishops also elected the members and presidents of the other 14 episcopal commissions, as well as who will be the directors of the Permanent Secretariat of the Episcopate.

This Thursday the CEC will complete the work agenda and will issue a message to the Colombian people, which will be the fruit of the reflections made during the general assembly.

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