Colombia: Archdiocese of Bogotá served more than 37,000 vulnerable people during 2023

Colombia: Archdiocese of Bogotá served more than 37,000 vulnerable people during 2023

During 2023, the local Church “sought to strengthen its pastoral and evangelizing action” from this Diakonia “which involves caring for children, young people, adults and older people in vulnerable conditions.”

One of these cases has been the work carried out between February and November by Casa La Esperanza, which “welcomed 140 women” of low resources who, from different parts of the country, arrived in the Colombian capital “for medical treatments for themselves or for someone.” familiar”. “In the house they were provided with food, lodging, laundry service, psychosocial and spiritual support,” the text highlights.

Likewise, through the Brother Ettore Home for the Elderly, the Archdiocese houses “16 elderly women, in conditions of poverty and abandonment.” During the past year, the Church in Bogotá also provided “on Saturdays an average of 200 lunches, and on Sundays around 350 breakfasts to street residents and low-income people, in the Las Cruces sector,” an area with great economic need. and social care.

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