Christmas Tree Blessing Prayer 2022

Christmas Tree Blessing Prayer 2022

THE TREE It reminds us of that tree of Paradise (cf. Gen 2, 9 – 17) whose forbidden fruit Adam and Eve ate, disobeying God. The tree, as a symbol, can evoke the origin of the misfortune into which the human race fell: sin. However, it can also remind us that we were promised a Savior, a child who will be born of Saint Mary, the long-awaited Messiah who comes to bring us the gift of reconciliation.

LIGHTS They remind us that the Lord Jesus is the light of the world that illuminates our lives, removing us from the darkness of sin and guiding us, on our pilgrimage, back to the Father’s House.

THE STAR. Just as in Bethlehem two thousand and one years ago a star rested over the place where the baby Jesus was born, guiding the Three Wise Men (see Mt 2, 9 – 10); Today a star crowns the tree remembering that the event of the birth of Jesus has brought true joy to our lives.

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