Christmas Message 2023 Pope Francis: Christ was born for you! Rejoice because you are not alone

Christmas Message 2023 Pope Francis: Christ was born for you!  Rejoice because you are not alone

The Holy Father pleaded “that military operations cease, with their dramatic consequences of innocent civilian victims, and that the desperate humanitarian situation be remedied by allowing the arrival of aid.”

“May violence and hatred continue to be fueled,” the Pontiff continued, “but rather may a solution be found to the Palestinian question, through a sincere and persevering dialogue between the parties, sustained by strong political will and support.” of the international community.”

Pope Francis also remembered the population of “martyred Syria, as well as that of Yemen, which continues to suffer. I think of the beloved Lebanese people and I pray that they can soon regain political and social stability.”

He also cited Ukraine and called for peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as in the Sahel, Horn of Africa and Sudan regions, as well as Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan.

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