Christmas 2023 in the Sanctuary of Fátima: God comes as light, life and word

Christmas 2023 in the Sanctuary of Fátima: God comes as light, life and word

The rector of the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Fátima in Portugal, Fr. Carlos Cabecinhas, stated in the homily of the Mass that he presided on December 25 there that, this Christmas 2023, the Child God comes to the world as light, life and word .

As reported by the website of the Marian sanctuary, the priest explained that at Christmas Jesus comes into the world “as the definitive Word of God,” and not just any word, “but the Word capable of reaching the depths of our existence and giving meaning to our lives.”

Furthermore, in Jesus in Bethlehem, “God comes to us as Light”, but Christmas “is not only the festival of lights and festive decorations, it is the festival of light that is Jesus, because he comes to free us from the darkness that threatens us and that we experience so many times.”

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