Christmas 2023: 10 saints who can inspire you to prepare Christmas dinner

According to tradition, Martha, Mary and Lazarus often celebrated Jesus and his Apostles at dinner. One day, Mary seemed to be shirking her kitchen duties and Martha urged Jesus to ask her sister to help him. Jesus gently admonished Martha, saying, “Martha, Martha, you worry and worry about many things, and there is need for a few things, or rather, for just one. Mary has chosen the best part, which will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10). : 38-42).

9. Saint Honorate of Amiens

He is the patron saint of bakers, pastry chefs and those who make bread for the altar. His feast day is celebrated on May 16.

Saint Honorato has been associated with bread for over a thousand years. His patron church in Paris was the site of the bakers’ guild and many patisseries and bakeries are named after him. In Paris, his feast day is celebrated with three-day bread festivals. The San Honorato cake is named after him; This is a cream-filled puff pastry that is still used as a First Communion cake in France.

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