Chile: In Ecumenical Te Deum, Bishop Chomali called for a great national agreement

Chile: In Ecumenical Te Deum, Bishop Chomali called for a great national agreement

The Archbishop of Santiago, Mons. Fernando Chomali, presided this Wednesday over the traditional Ecumenical Te Deum for the anniversary of the First Government Junta of Chile, which was attended by the President of the Nation, Gabriel Boric.

It is an uninterrupted tradition since 1811, which aims to pray for the Homeland, its rulers and citizens.

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In your homilyBishop Chomali began by providing a grateful look “at all that God has given us” and expressed “hope for the future,” which is based on “the millions of fathers and mothers who get up every morning to work to give them a better future for their children”, and in the young people who, despite the difficulty, “strive to pursue their dreams”.

At this point, the archbishop also mentioned the teachers, public servants, businessmen and entrepreneurs who contribute to the development of the country; the armed and security forces, which take care of Chileans; the priests, deacons and nuns, as well as the other churches that work for the poorest.

He also thanked the health professionals, gendarmes, press workers and the indigenous residents. This grateful look, she assured, allows us to “discover that there is always a ray of light that comes from Jesus, granting us the ability to illuminate the future with love, wisdom and hope.”

“Chile will not fall apart, as some may believe or predict. In the face of adversity, a grateful heart emerges among the people of Chile for this wonderful country where almost 18 million compatriots live along with a good number of foreigners who enrich it,” he assured.

Among his concerns, the prelate listed the reality of young people, the lack of work, and insecurity problems.

On this last point, he warned: “If there is no joint action by society, the country runs the risk of becoming a hostage to organized crime. Soon it will be too late. The law of the strongest will begin and the State will be a mere spectator. “It is necessary to act now because the power of organized crime in Chile, its death structures, and its international links are visible.”

“The more divided we are, the more space we give to organized crime,” he said.

In reference to the corruption scandal affecting the country, he encouraged: “This is not the time for soloists, individualism, grandiose phrases or mutual recriminations. This is the moment for humility and greatness to act and to once again be proud to work in the State and be a public official.”

Along these lines, he called for “a great national agreement” where people with social responsibility can dialogue, reflect and contribute their views.

Finally, he called on the political candidates for the upcoming regional elections in October to work to promote the culture of dialogue, respect for those who think differently, recognizing qualities in the adversary, proposing ideas, and looking of country over the gaze of the party.

“Political action must be aimed at ensuring that everyone, especially the most disadvantaged, improves their living conditions,” he stated.

“Let us never forget that beyond our legitimate differences, we are brothers because we have the same Father, an Our Father, to whom millions of Chileans pray daily,” he concluded.

The authorities present placed flowers and olive branches before the image of Christ of the First Government Board. At the end of the celebration, the choir of the Archbishopric of Santiago sang the Te Deum and the National Anthem.

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