Cavani scored another great scoring streak against Cruzeiro and Boca will go to Brazil with the minimum difference to dream of the Copa Sudamericana

Boca he won well but by the slightest difference and now he will have to define his continuity in the South American Cup in Brazil. The Uruguayan Edinson CavaniWhen not, he scored the only goal of the night and also had the second, which would have been fundamental, but the post denied him. The team of Diego Martinez He extended his streak to 18 consecutive games without losing in the Bombonera and 22 in international competitions. What of Cruise He was very poor but played very confident in what he can do next Thursday at Mineirao in Belo Horizonte.

The shot at the goal Lautaro Blanco that stopped on a Brazilian defender and the goalkeeper caught it without problems Cassioa veteran of a thousand cup battles, was the only effective shot on goal in the first 45 minutes. It was at Boca’s best moment, in the final stretch, from the 40th minute. It was after two incursions into the area in which Cavani first failed and then a defender intercepted a disturbing cross from Merentiel, after a good series of touches between Blanco and Zenón. Before that, nothing from the local and even less from the visitor.

The big unknown before the match was how the improvised central duo formed by Gary Medel and Cristian Lema would respond. And the answer was given on the field. Cruzeiro’s lukewarm attacks ended before entering the area. There were certain doubts at the start, because Diego Martínez’s team was trying to play against strong high pressure from the Brazilians. There was some anxiety, but not much more. Afterwards, everything was controlled, especially Lema who played a changed profile and responded.

The problem for Boca was that it could not link the exit from the back with the middle and then it began to divide many balls and generally lost. The absence of Equi Fernández is notablewhich gave another dynamic to a team that now does not transmit too much fervor from the inside out.

Photo: Fernando de la Orden

Until the 40th minute, the local team was able to unblock the game in the middle and reach Cassio’s goal with some danger. Until that final image in which the team’s performance made the fans a little more enthusiastic who did not stop cheering for even a second.

The feeling, until that moment, was that Cruzeiro was not very interested in pressing the accelerator to crash into the Bombonera. That zero to zero was a great deal to close the series at Mineirao next Thursday. But he was exposed to that good final reaction from Boca.

Boca improved with the entry of Agustín Martegani for Jabes Saralegui. The ex San Lorenzo He stood on the left while Zenón moved to the right. The first ball that Martegani touched was a filtered pass for Merentiel in a clear more incisive bet. From the combinations on the left between Martegani and Blanco, two crosses arrived for Cavani, the first was taken by Joao Marcelo to the corner and the second the Uruguayan saw the ball pass in front of him.

In this improvement, the necessary combinations also arrived to reach the goal, but from the right: Martegani combined with Medina and he gave it to Zenón, who played quickly for Cavani and the Uruguayan, who is still on a streak and has scored 17 goals in the last 21 gameshe defined with a soft touch and just before Cassio left.

Photo: Fernando de la Orden.Photo: Fernando de la Orden.

The goal gave the team the necessary confidence to achieve a more comfortable result, much needed for revenge. He had the ball more and managed to create a couple of good situations. He was also able to steal the ball in the middle and get out quickly. Thus, the play arrived that was not a goal by chance. Advíncula escaped from the right, he threw the cross past, Cavani hit him first, the ball hit the post, the ball was taken by Martegani who touched back for Zenón and the strong shot was sent to the corner by Cassio, with remarkable reflexes.

Going to Brazil 2-0 was another story. But the 1-0 is still a good sign because now they have two results to reach the quarterfinals. And Boca knows about feats or classifications in Brazilian lands.

The summary of Boca vs Cruzeiro

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