Catholic Church shares decalogue for a good return to school

This Monday, millions of children and adolescents across the country returned to the classrooms to begin the 2024-2025 school year in Mexico. In this context, the Catholic Church presented a decalogue with the aim of helping all those involved in education to form whole people.

The Ministry of Public Education (SEP), reported that “23 million students served by one million 231 thousand 733 teachers in 231 thousand 534 schools throughout the country” will enter the classrooms for this period.

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Given this important beginning of the school year, the Primate Archdiocese of Mexico, through the publishing house of its semanation From Faith on August 24, expressed his desire that schools contribute to modeling “mature people, capable of overcoming fragmentations and oppositions and rebuilding the fabric of relationships to have a more fraternal humanity.”

Decalogue for the “good return to school”

  1. In the first point of this decalogue, the Archdiocese of Mexico stressed the need to “instill respect for others” through education “in love for others, as they are, not ‘as I want them to be’, without judging or condemn and much less dismiss anyone.”

  2. Likewise, the editorial called for “eradicating all types of violence in schools” to prevent young people from being attracted to crime and “losing respect and love for life.”

  3. On the other hand, the Catholic Church encouraged working on the “mental and emotional care” of minors, urging parents and guardians to provide “emotional support” and seek the prevention of conditions such as depression and anxiety.

  4. The decalogue also highlighted the importance of “strengthening the identity” of students, which will help them “develop their capabilities and empowerment.”

  5. In addition, a call was made to communities to “encourage discipline and responsibility.”

  6. In the sixth point, the Archdiocese of Mexico pointed out that it is important to “organize time” that allows minors to prioritize study, but “maintaining a balance with rest, time with family, friends and other activities that strengthen its spirit and the formation of values.”

  7. Another relevant point was the invitation to parents and teachers to “set an example of good behavior,” demonstrating the values ​​that they want to develop in children, such as “honesty, respect and love for others.”

  8. The Catholic Church also called for promoting “teamwork,” emphasizing that education “is not an individual task, but a community one,” and that fostering these skills “will help combat problems such as discrimination, selfishness and individualism.”

  9. Likewise, the importance of “strengthening the school-family alliance” was emphasized, with the intention that this alliance “allows the transmission of knowledge, but also the transmission of human and spiritual values.”

  10. Finally, the Church called on all those involved in the educational process to make “a commitment to love our planet and avoid the waste of natural resources, which also requires us to always be willing to share.”

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