Catholic Church in the land of Saint Mary Magdalene in Galilee turns 10 years old

Catholic Church in the land of Saint Mary Magdalene in Galilee turns 10 years old

The Catholic Church The deeppart of the Magdala Center complex in the land of Saint Mary Magdalene, in Galilee, turned 10 years old this May 28.

Just two days before its dedication, Pope Francis blessed the Tabernacle in the Vatican that is now in the church’s Barca Chapel.

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In a statement shared with ACI Prensa, the Magdala Center explains that The deep —a Latin phrase taken from the Gospel of Saint Luke and normally translated as “Romar out into the sea” or “Sail into the deep”— “is the spiritual center” of the place.

The deep It includes a chapel with an impressive ship-shaped structure, which symbolizes the evangelizing mission of the Church. It also houses several chapels dedicated to different episodes in the lives of Jesus and Mary Magdalene,” he notes.

The Magdala Center also highlights that “more than a million tourists from all over the world” have arrived at the place in these 10 years.

In the homily of the church’s anniversary Mass, the founder and director of the Magdala Center, Fr. Juan Solana LC, highlighted that “the dedication of a stone temple is very similar to the dedication of living temples, that is, of us”, and pointed out that “in my baptism, God, by an infinite act of love and generosity, made me a living stone of his temple, he made me a temple of the Holy Spirit”

“This place has witnessed healed hearts, received vocations to priestly and religious life, and restored dignity of many souls,” he highlighted.

Father Solana also expressed his desire that The deep “may it continue to be and always be a place from which flow those rivers of living water, that action of grace.”

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