Catholic Church in Mexico: These soldiers refused to kill 2 holy priests

This May 21 we celebrate 25 saints who died martyrs during a persecution by anticlerical politicians and soldiers against the Catholic Church in Mexico. But there were soldiers who refused to kill some saints and left us a brave testimony.

It is necessary to highlight that these 25 saints are headed by Saint Christopher Magellanwho, according to Vatican Newswas sentenced to death just for being a priest and was shot to death.

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On the cross of martyrdom, he was accompanied by Saint Román Adame Rosales (1859-1927), who refused to leave his parish to encourage the faithful in their faith.

According to Archdiocese of Guadalajara, Saint Roman was a priest of much prayer and was at the service of those in need, so much so that “he lived poor.” He had to exercise his ministry moving from one place to another. One day before he was captured he said: “What a joy it would be to be a martyr, to give my blood for the parish!”

The military caught the old priest and imprisoned him. Days later, on April 21, 1927, he was taken to a grave to be shot by a group of soldiers. The saint did not want to be blindfolded and asked not to be shot in the face.

When they were about to shoot him, a soldier refused to kill the priest. His name was Antonio Carrillo Torres. Although the order was repeated several times, he did not want to obey. Then, they stripped him of his uniform and placed him next to San Román.

He Vatican He points out that the priest tried to save him with a gesture of kindness. The Diocese of San Juan de los Lagos He even details that the martyr “raised his hand and pulled him away from him, as if telling him to do his duty, but the soldier refused.”

On the other hand, in the book The Mexican martyrs of Father Joaquín Cardoso SJ it is emphasized that the saint said to his executioners: “I die innocent. I forgive with all my heart the one who gave me into the hands of those who are going to open the doors of heaven for me. I offer my blood for the conversion of my people and so that they recognize, respect and love their priests.”

The soldiers shot San Román, who fell a martyr at Antonio’s feet. Then, the bullets felled the brave soldier.

According to the Catholic formation website“four neighbors placed the martyr’s body in a bad coffin, and buried it in the grave next to the place of execution, where soldier Carrillo lay.”

The promise of Paradise

Another saint who is celebrated among the 25 martyrs is San Tranquilino Ubiarco Robles (1899-1928), who was condemned to die by hanging. As a sign of forgiveness he said: “Everything is arranged by God, and he who is commanded (to kill me), he is not guilty.”

One of the soldiers present refused to kill the priest. According to him VaticanSaint Tranquilino, imitating Christ on the cross, told him: “Today you will be with me in paradise.”

The book The Mexican martyrs, indicates that the soldier refused to put the rope around the priest’s neck, arguing that “he was not killing a little father.” Furthermore, he adds that there was another soldier who, upon seeing the bravery of his companion, shouted very loudly: “Long live Christ the King!”

The brave soldiers, whose names are not known, were shot. While San Tranquilino ended up hanging from a tree, which is preserved to this day and can be seen in this link.

Why aren’t these soldiers martyrs? He points out that “Antonio did not say anything, nor did he make any religious gesture. Maybe that’s why they never declare him a saint.” Regarding the other soldiers, several authors mention only one soldier and say nothing about the other. However, their names are not known either, which could make it difficult to initiate any martyrdom process for them.

These soldiers will always be remembered for their courage to respect the priestly investiture, even at the cost of their own lives.

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