Catholic Church in Argentina: Largest image of the Virgin Mary in the country inaugurated

Catholic Church in Argentina: Largest image of the Virgin Mary in the country inaugurated

With a Mass presided by the Bishop of Catamarca (Argentina), Mons. Luis Urbanc, the work “Camino de la Fe” was inaugurated this Monday, the largest image of the Virgin of the Valley in Argentina, 48 meters high (52 from the base).

The imposing image is the work of Walter D’Agostini, and its construction took seven years. It is located on Provincial Route No. 4, near the town of El Rodeo, and is accessed by a six-kilometer road.

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The size of the image is equivalent to an eleven-story building, and it contains a chapel inside. A 360° viewpoint is also part of the work, from where you can see the towns of La Puerta, El Rodeo and Las Juntas, and part of the city of Catamarca.

The Path of Faith. Credit: Obispado de Catamarca Press
The Path of Faith. Credit: Obispado de Catamarca Press

When blessing the Way of Faith, Bishop Urbanc asked God that “those who pray before this beautiful image, inspired by you and the example of love of Our Mother in Heaven, love their brothers more and better and obtain, through her intercession , the grace they need for this life and eternity.”

Provincial and local authorities, and the creator of the work along with his family and the workers who made it possible, participated in the inauguration Mass. In this context, the bishop expressed “the emotion of being here, it is very beautiful, it is not something common.”

“God wanted there to be a chapel here,” he noted, and affirmed: “This is the cenacle, Mary with us, who protects us, shelters us and gives us her tenderness.”

“Sheltered by Mary, may we always have the outpouring of the Holy Spirit,” he prayed, and recalled that “if we do the will of God we look like Mary.”

Chapel inside the image of the Virgin. Credit: Obispado de Catamarca Press

Before ending the celebration, the prelate blessed the chalice, the paten and the sacred cloths that will be used from now on in the chapel celebrations.

The Mass concluded with a tribute to the Virgin of the Valley: tenor Nicolás Romero, a native of Catamarca, dedicated his interpretation of the Ave María to her.

Starting this Saturday, the Camino de la Fe will receive guided tours, which require prior reservation because capacity is limited.

Image of the largest Virgin of the Valley in the country. Credit: Obispado de Catamarca Press

The times in which it will be available for your visit are Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with special rates for retirees, children, and residents of El Rodeo. Admission includes round-trip transportation, and prices range from $5,000 to $20,000 Argentine pesos (approximately $15 US dollars). Reservations at +54 9 3834 591979.

History of devotion to the Virgin of the Catamarca Valley

Found between 1618 and 1620 in a grotto in the town of Choya (Catamarca), the Virgin of the Valley is the central figure of Catholic devotion in that Argentine province. Numerous miracles are attributed to her intercession throughout the more than 400 years of history with the people of Catamarca.

Every year two festivals are celebrated in his honor, which welcome a large number of faithful: the first, between April and May, begins on the Saturday after Easter and commemorates the anniversary of his Pontifical Coronation. The second, on December 8, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.

In addition, Law No. 5,525 establishes that every September 7, in Catamarca, Miracle Day is commemorated, in memory of the earthquake that occurred in 2004 and in gratitude to the Virgin of the Valley, to whom the protection received during that tragic event is attributed. event.

Our Lady of the Valley is the National Patron Saint of Tourism and of the entire Argentine Northwest region.

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