Catholic Church in Africa: José Si Esono could be beatified

“Joseph noticed that, after praying that prayer with the priest, everything he had gone to do in the city had not been as difficult as it usually was,” Bishop Nguema tells the foundation.

The experience had so impacted the young coffee seller that he decided he was going to teach everyone in his town how to pray to the Blessed Virgin. He did so, and the next time he met the missionary he asked him to go to his town to explain to everyone who this Mary was to whom they prayed.

In this way the Claretians reached Ebansok, the town of Esono. “There weren’t even roads!” points out the Bishop of Ebibeyín. In addition, he highlights that the 125-kilometer trip was dangerous due to tensions between some local ethnic groups. “To get there you had to cross territories with conflicting populations,” adds ACN.

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