Catechesis of Pope Francis on justice

But justice is a virtue that works in both big and small ways: it concerns not only the courtroom, but also the ethics that characterize our daily lives. Establish sincere relationships with others: fulfill the precept of the Gospel according to which Christian speech should be: “Yes, yes”, “No, no”; Everything that is said too much comes from the Evil One.” (Mt 5.37). Half-truths, subtle speeches that seek to deceive others, reluctance that hide true intentions, are not attitudes in line with justice. The just man is upright, simple and direct, he does not wear masks, he presents himself as he is, he tells the truth. Often the word “thank you” is on his lips: he knows that, no matter how generous we try to be, we remain indebted to our neighbors. If we love it is also because we have been loved first.

Countless descriptions of the righteous person can be found in tradition. Let’s look at some of them. The just person has reverence for the laws and respects them, knowing that they are a barrier that protects the defenseless from the arrogance of the powerful. The just person is not only concerned with his individual well-being, but with the good of the entire society. In other words, he does not give in to the temptation to think only of himself and to take care of his own affairs, no matter how legitimate they may be, as if they were the only thing that exists in the world. The virtue of justice makes it evident – and places the demand in the heart – that there can be no true good for me if there is not also the good of all.

Therefore, the righteous man watches his own behavior so that it does not harm others: if he makes a mistake, he apologizes. Since he is fair, he always apologizes. In some situations he is capable of sacrificing personal property to make it available to the community. He wants an orderly society, in which it is the people who give luster to positions, and not the opposite. He abhors recommendations and does not trade favors. He loves responsibility and is exemplary in living and promoting legality. In fact, this is the path to justice, the antidote to corruption.

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