Carriers of the Lord of Miracles: A profound spiritual experience told by their butler

Carriers of the Lord of Miracles: A profound spiritual experience told by their butler

Devotion to the Lord of Miracles is the most important religious tradition in Peru and one of the largest processions in the world, uniting millions of faithful and a few who prepare to carry their litter and experience a deep connection with Jesus.

The Cristo Moreno attracts millions of faithful in Peru and spreads throughout various nations of America and the world, particularly in Chile, Colombia, Argentina, the United States, Italy and France. In Rome, the procession usually features the presence and blessing of Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square.

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In a recent interview with EWTN NewsJosé Luis Toledo, Butler of the Brotherhood of the Lord of Miracles, revealed how carrying the litter becomes a transformative spiritual experience.

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The weight of the litter, around 1.4 tons, is carried by about 34 people, according to the butler. Although it is a considerable weight, it is not the main challenge for porters. “The most important profile (of the charger) is faith and devotion to our Lord of Miracles,” Toledo emphasized.

“The rest, such as physical strength or height, is not so relevant. The crucial thing is to demonstrate love for the Church, for the Lord of Miracles, and to have a solid Catholic faith,” he added about the principle that guides each member of the brotherhood.

For its part, the structure of the brotherhood has been meticulously designed. “The brotherhood is made up of 20 groups, each with approximately 200 brothers, divided into 5 sectors,” Toledo explained. Each crew takes their turn on the route, allowing for equal distribution of effort.

The sectors are organized by height: “The highest are in the first sector and the lowest in the third,” he explained. This organization guarantees that the 34 loaders who carry the load — 17 lift first, and the other 17 enter immediately after — can do so efficiently and harmoniously.

An intimate moment with Cristo Moreno

Toledo describes the experience of loading the litter as “a very intimate moment.” During the journey, each porter has the opportunity to raise their supplications to the Lord. “We ask for our families, jobs or for something that worries us. Sometimes we are grateful for health, life or any blessing that Cristo Moreno has given us,” he says.

This 2024, the need for prayer for Peru is pressing according to the mayordomo, due to the situation of widespread violence caused by organized crime: “This year, more than ever, we will ask for peace in Peru,” he said.

Spiritual and physical preparation

The preparation to load the litter of Cristo Moreno begins long before the day of the procession. Toledo explains that “spiritual preparation is throughout the year, with retreat Masses,” culminating in October with a master talk given by the Archbishop of Lima.

“This Sunday, our Cardinal Carlos Castillo gave us a talk that filled us with reflection, forgiveness and kindness. Thus, when October 18 arrives, we will be ready both physically and spiritually,” he said.

The physical component is also essential: “It is necessary to be in good condition to load the litter,” he added.

How can you be part of the Brotherhood of the Lord of Miracles?

Toledo shares that the brotherhood currently has around 4,860 to 4,900 brothers. To integrate, “someone must be introduced by an active brother and then go through a series of talks and exams.”

This process culminates in a spiritual retreat, which, according to Toledo, “is very beautiful and motivating.” After finishing the retreat, the postulants “swear as brother bearers, singers or smokers of the brotherhood”, marking their commitment to the Lord of Miracles.

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