Carlos Tevez showed the document letter that referee Dóvalo sent him and hit Toviggino hard

Carlos Tevez He surprised this Sunday with a bombshell publication on his social networks. The coach of Independent He shared on Twitter the document letter that the referee sent him Pablo Dovalo after Tuesday night’s scandalous tie between Independent y Central Tents.

The letter addressed to the DT is dated March 7, is for “offending, slanderous and slanderous expressions” and invites him to ratify or rectify within 24 hours.

“There is Pablito Pablito… Let’s not waste the lawyers’ time and tell me where I am sending you the envelope” (sic), was Tevez’s message referring to Pablo Tovigginothe treasurer of the AFA that he had crossed it when Apache questioned the arbitration in the Ducó.

The war between Tevez and the AFA broke out last Tuesday, when Independiente visited Barracas for matchday 9 of the League Cup. El Rojo was winning 1-0 when a play unleashed the fury of the Avellaneda club. Striker Alexis Domínguez was strong with the iron against Iván Marcone, and referee Dóvalo charged an infraction and a yellow card. The VAR never called him.

Barracas’ number 9 would end up being key in the match: they fouled him which led to the 1-1 scoreline and made it 2-1. Independiente’s draw did not calm the exasperated spirits in Rojo, especially that of Tevez.

Carlitos came out angry and throwing bombs against the refereeing at the press conference. “It’s like a stream warning you that it’s going to rob you and then it goes and robs you,” said the Red coach. And Toviggino called him out on Twitter, getting into a fight to which no one had invited him. “I continue to insist that they robbed us” and “what happened with Toviggino is personal, we will fix it on Twitter or wherever he wants,” the DT insisted in a press conference set up to close the issue.

The AFA warned that Dóvalo was going to initiate legal action against Tevez, who smiled when he found out that the issue was going to be resolved in court. Now, with the document letter in his possession, the coach maintains that position.

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