Carlo Acutis’ mother’s prediction months ago: He will be a saint in 2025

In November 2023, on the occasion of the announcement of the film’s premiere The heartbeat of heavenAntonia Salzano, mother of Carlo Acutis, expressed confidence that her son would be canonized in 2025.

This is what Olga Domínguez, curator of the traveling exhibitions designed by the future Italian saint on Eucharistic miracles, tells ACI Prensa. On that occasion, thinking that Antonia’s announcement was about “Carlo’s canonization,” Acutis’s mother responded, laughing: “Soon, soon, it will be in 2025.”

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It is not the only clue that Domínguez had about the news that has materialized today, when the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints has announced that Pope Francis has approved a miracle that will allow the canonization of the young Italian known as the “cyberapostle of the Eucharist”, who died in 2006 at the age of 15. “Unofficially I know that the issue was pending, that it was already very active” in the dicastery, for approximately a year and a half.

From a spiritual point of view, Domínguez explains that the announcement of the canonization “excites him greatly, because it is a blessing from heaven at the time in which we live. Carlo’s message is going to have a much greater echo with his canonization and this makes me cry with emotion.

Possible fiction film about Carlo Acutis

The Zavala-Gasset family is also excited, whose members have directed, scripted and produced the two documentary films about the life and Eucharistic devotion of the young man. Heaven can’t wait (whose DVD goes on sale next June 4 and can now be reserved) y The heartbeat of heaven.

Paloma Pía Gasset, Production Director of the documentaries, explains to ACI Prensa that they received the news “with great joy”, first thing this Thursday morning in Europe, through the mouth of Antonia Salzano herself.

Despite being a great novelty, Gasset adds that “we expected it, since Carlo Acutis is becoming increasingly better known as a result of the beatification and also the films we made, released in February and November 2023.”

Will there be a new production about the figure of the future saint? Gasset confirms for the first time to ACI Prensa that “we are considering it and it would be fiction”, in the style of others biopics about the lives of saints that have taken place throughout history.

The upcoming canonization of Carlo Acutis will also have an impact on the apostolic work carried out by Olga Domínguez: “It will open many doors for us, because he will no longer be that kid from Italy, but a universal saint.”

In a humorous tone, he points out that “I’m going to change planets, because if, being venerable and blessed, I don’t stop working…”, taking the traveling exhibitions from one place to another in Spain and with requests abroad.

“Carlo’s canonization is going to be a fundamental support for me because I know that heaven is going to shower millions of blessings with this. If I am happy, if we are happy with the news, imagine in heaven how they celebrate it,” adds Domínguez.

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