Cardinal Cobo, 20 years after 11M: Death does not have the last word

Thus, he has exemplified this gratitude in “the love that united us and unites us with our loved ones”, as well as for “the security that we almost always experience, without realizing it” and for those who “spend their lives so that others can live in peace.” ”. In short, the cardinal concluded, “there is a lot of light in the midst of the shadows.”

Secondly, the look of faith leads to a request for forgiveness “because in a world like ours, in which human beings are capable of so much beauty and possibilities, they are also capable of sowing so much pain and destruction. Terrorism, the resort to violence, is a wrong and destined to fail way to confront conflicts. It is an indecent and inhuman way,” Cardinal Cobo recalled.

Faithful memory has a third fruit, as the Archbishop of Madrid has explained, which is “a commitment to convert,” which sometimes involves “changing direction and modifying the habits of the heart,” but other times it takes the form of a growth “Because we can settle into what is easy, what is light, and agree with what is comfortable. And it’s not enough! We need to grow in humanity. A policy of low-flying and ‘short-term’ and self-serving views is not enough.” “A light concern for the common good is not enough,” he added.

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