Cardinal Aguiar renews the mission of the greatest expert in the appearances of the Virgen de Guadalupe

Cardinal Aguiar renews the mission of the greatest expert in the appearances of the Virgen de Guadalupe

The Primado Archbishop of Mexico, Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes, renewed the mission of Father Eduardo Chávez, considered the greatest expert in the appearances of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and encouraged him to continue his dissemination work “worldwide”.

In a letter that was given to Fr. Chávez this March 1, Cardinal Aguiar recalls the proximity of the 500 years of the apparitions of the Virgen de Guadalupe – which will be held in 2031 -, and stressed the importance of “continuing to deepen and transmit on the truth of the Guadalupano event, its message full of love and mercy not only for our beloved country Mexico, but for the whole world, but for our beloved country.

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In that sense, he highlighted the effort “with great success” of Fr. Chávez in the dissemination of the Guadalupano event.

Letter from Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes to P. Eduardo Chávez. Credit: Courtesy of Fr. Eduardo Chávez.
Letter from Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes to P. Eduardo Chávez. Credit: Courtesy of Fr. Eduardo Chávez.

Fr. Eduardo Chávez is currently a canon and master theologian of the Cabildo of the Basilica of Guadalupe, as well as director of the Superior Institute of Guadalupanos Studies. Years ago was the postulator of the cause of canonization of San Juan Diego, the seer of the Virgin of Guadalupe.

“Following the orientation of SS Pope Francis, as well as your mission as a magistral theologian Guadalupano, appointed by the Venerable Cabildo of the Sanctuary of Santa María de Guadalupe, and that I had the pleasure of confirming it; I renew the shipment to you, Mr. Canon Dr. Eduardo Chávez Sánchez, to continue – as you have been doing – with the mission of deepening the Guadalupano event, forming trainers and making it known worldwide, ”said the archbishop of Mexico.

“That God, the Virgin of Guadalupe and Saint John Diego continue to illuminate, strengthen and guide in all this admirable work of perfectly inculturated evangelization, and thus more and more the desired civilization of God’s merciful love in our homeland and in the world is achieved,” he concluded.

“It’s a great honor”

In statements to ACI Press this March 1, Fr. Chávez stressed that Cardinal Aguiar’s letter is “very special”, so he was “very happy, because he has renewed this entrustment of continuing to investigate, studying, on the Virgin of Guadalupe (as well as) to train trainers for the Virgin of Guadalupe and launch this message of Guadalupano love to the whole world”.

“It is already close to 2031, so it is very important to make more emphasis, more strength in this prayer, in this proclamation, in this mission that, as I say, I am most honored to be able to renew it under the mandate of the cardinal.”

Cardinal Aguiar Retes, he said, “is the great chancellor of the Higher Institute for Guadalupanos Studies.”

Fr. Chávez also recalled the importance of Ninth Intercontinental Guadalupanapromoted by Pope Francis, who began on December 12, 2022 and is a way of preparation for the celebration of the third centenary of Mariana apparitions.

“That is why I am very pleased and it is a great honor to face this great challenge, but that we know that for God nothing is impossible and less for his mother and our mother Santa María de Guadalupe.”

“That she continues to bless us with this love message that our peoples currently need,” he said.

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