can affect physical and mental health

I live bitterly because since I was a child I have had the habit of comparing myself to others and I always feel that they have things or are doing better than me. I always lose out and, although I’m not doing bad at all, I can’t enjoy what I have.

(JCA, from San Fernando)

Envy is one of the oldest, deepest and most universal human emotions known, although it is difficult to recognize on oneself due to the negative connotation it has.

It is defined as the feeling of dislike or resentment that arises when someone perceives that another has something they want, whether tangible (a material good), or intangible (success, happiness, pleasant interpersonal relationships).

Envy comes from Latin envywhich derives from to envywhich means “to look with evil eyes.”

This definition reflects the visual component which often accompanies envy: observing what others have and wishing it for oneself.

Unlike admiration, which implies respect and can be a source of inspiration, envy entails a component of hostility or discomfort towards the envied person.

envy can arise in almost any situation in which a person perceives an inequality unfavorable to himself.

It can appear in the work context, when someone receives a promotion or recognition; in the social sphere, when a person is more popular or has more friends; or in the family environment, when a family member seems to be the favorite.

Envy emerges when an individual perceives that someone has something valuable that the envious person does not have, which produces a sense of injustice or lack.

Subjects with low self-esteem are more likely to experience it. Those who have a negative perception of themselves they tend to compare themselves with others, which leads them to feel that they are always at a disadvantage.

Social networks amplify the phenomenon, since they offer a platform for users to showcase the best of their liveswhich can generate unfavorable comparisons in those who observe them.

In terms of personality, it has been identified that those who have a tendency to be more narcissistic or insecure tend to experience envy more frequently since they tend to base their worth on comparisons with others, which predisposes them to feel at a disadvantage when others achieve something that they do not obtain.

envy is an emotion with harmful effects for both mental and physical health.

In psychological terms, it can generate high levels of stress, anxiety and depression since those who live with constant envy tend to have a negative approach to lifefocused on what they lack instead of appreciating what they have.

This can lead to a scarcity mentalityin which the individual feels that nothing is enough and that something is always missing to be happy.

The chronic stress associated with envy has physical effects as it can trigger the release of cortisol which, in high and prolonged levelscauses a strong negative impact on the body. Some of them include increased blood pressure, digestive problems and weakened immune system.

Envy can also have an impact on interpersonal relationships. People who are often envious may begin to distance themselves from those they envy or even sabotage their relationships.

This can lead to social isolation and to greater personal dissatisfaction.

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