Campaign on Down Syndrome Day: Today you congratulate me, would you abort me tomorrow?

The Catholic Association of Propagandists (ACDP) launches a new advertising campaign on the occasion of Down Syndrome Day, caused by the trisomy in the 21 of the human DNA, with a provocative message: “Today you congratulate me, would you abort me tomorrow? Don’t you think it’s a bit hypocritical?”

The posters of this campaign has been distributed in dozens of Spanish cities, and in it, in addition to the motto, there is a QR code that redirects to a video that deepens the argument of the campaign that has exceeded the 200,000 visualizations in just three days.

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It recalls that on March 21 it is celebrated that people with trisomy 21 have the same rights as all others, that “their joy teaches us to live”, which are always smiling or playing and that they are not ashamed to show their love, among other characteristics.

But, despite the messages about inclusiveness that are disseminated by many official and private organisms, the video recalls the percentage of people to whom trisomy 21 is detected before birth and are aborted for this reason: Iceland, 69%; Slovenia, 76%; Coquia, 77%; Denmark, 79%; Portugal, 80 %; and Spain, 83%.

The video concludes by thanking families that host the lives of these people.

The spokeswoman for the campaign and National Family and Life Secretary of the ACDP, Carmen Sánchez Maíllo, stood out in A statement That “people with Down syndrome are as decent and valuable as anyone, and it is important for Spanish society to fall into the great cynicism account that means considering us an inclusive and integrative society and, nevertheless, to prevent people who consider less suitable.”

“The campaign seeks to be a point of reflection on the fact that every human being, whatever their physical characteristics, their age or health, is someone unique, valuable, unrepeatable and endowed with a radical dignity,” says the spokeswoman.

On the other hand, it emphasizes that the campaign intends to “support all the families that have a person with Down syndrome and know to what extent they are happy, normal people and whose contact makes those who deal with them better, despite the pressures they suffer when receiving a prenatal diagnosis, or the lack of aid and understanding they find as the years pass”.

As detailed in the note, the campaign has been preceded by contacts between the ACDP and different associations linked to people with Down syndrome, to know their reality, their claims, their projects and their proposals.

The ACDP plans to publish in the coming months different interviews and content on this reality so that support for these people and their families is not in “a mere annual commemorative day.”


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