Calendar to live every day of Lent 2025

Calendar to live every day of Lent 2025

Lent 2025 Start on March 5 with Ash Wednesday y It ends on April 17, with Holy Thursday. This calendar can help you live every day of this liturgical time in preparation towards Easter of Resurrection, the most important party of the Catholic Church.

In the calendar you will find the Gospel of the day, a daily purpose and a special prayer intention for each day of Lent.

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  • Lent covers Five Sundays and lasts six weeks and two days.

  • Every day it contains the biblical quotation of the Gospel that is generally proposed for the entire Church. Reading could vary in important celebrations within a local church or according to each episcopal conference.

  • In the light of the gospels, the purposes, which are concrete actions to live Lent. They can be done the same day or as it is convenient.

  • Las Prayer intentions They are also based on gospels and seek to encourage prayers for some difficult needs and situations that occur in the world.

  • This Lent is special for being held within the framework of the Jubileo de la Esperanza 2025, an invitation to renew faith, experience the mercy of God and obtain plenary indulgences through various acts of faith and other actions, such as carrying out works of mercy.

We hope that these proposals help you to live the way more intensely to Holy Week and thus prepare your heart to celebrate Easter.

The PDF version of the Lent calendar can be downloaded HERE.

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