The Minister of Security of the Nation, Patricia Bullrich, asked “clubs” to expel those partners who have participated in the Wednesday march promoted by retirees and ended with violent incidents between protesters and security forces. He did it at a press conference in which he also endorsed the Argentine Football Association (AFA) the responsibility of orchestrate among the institutions that compose it a statement of repudiation to those who used shirts in the exercise of their right to protest.
“Our team of the National Directorate of Sports Events, Soccer, in the previous days they called the club leaders. They said they had nothing to do (with the call for fans to the march), well We want them to take out an official communication of each clubof each shirt that was seen there, (to express) that the club has nothing to do with“Bullrich said.
The minister refers to the communication that the director of that address, Franco BerlinI would have had those responsible for the clubs that were in viral calls to attend the march of retirees. Behind Bullrich a screen showed those digital flyers with shields from various institutions.
“We are going to formally ask all the clubs whose fans participated (in the march) a declaration of repudiation and that expel all the associates who participated in the march. An immediate expulsion “clarified the minister. At the close of this article, the AFA had not received any order of such order for tickets.
Milei’s official mainly pointed to him Chacarita: He pointed to Leandro Capriotti as “the maximum organizer” of Wednesday’s mobilization and said he is a “friend and protected” of the historic union leader Luis Barrionuevo. They are historical surnames of the club’s policy, but oblivious to the club’s daily or the board.
Can a government take such a request to clubs or intermediate it with the AFA? To do so they would turn on the first alarms in Conmebol y FIFAthe two federations in which the association is contained. Both statutes are identical regarding the intervention of a state administration at the juncture of the associated institutions.
In principle, The statute of each club establishes the circumstances for which an assembly can expel an associate. Everyone has a court of honor or internal organ that judges and where it can be defended. In none the character is immediately contemplated.

“To expel a partner, the statute must be violated and undergo an internal process. Why should clubs expel a partner for going to a march? There should be no causes of expulsion for marching. We live in democracy and we are all innocent until the opposite is demonstrated. The issue is that some forget and some put that going to a march to defend our old people is wrong ”, Reflect a source consulted with AFA.
The certainty about the impossibility of a partner losing his condition for assistance to a march has to do, precisely with the origin of the clubs: many founded before the last century with the effervescence of ideas related to anarchism, socialism or communism. Hardly in its founders the protest would have opposed as a cause of expulsion.
Chacarita was founded on May 1 by a group of young people linked to anarchist and socialist ideas, with a strong influence of the neighborhood workers. New Chicago anarchists promoted self -management and labor solidarity. Atlanta was marked by his affinity with socialism and communism and for decades was a club linked to union and cultural struggles in the city.

While there are no refuses of those thriving partners beyond the ball, the fan, each individual, decided to go out. The club and colors are still an identification and perhaps something of the present activated those foundational ines. Bullrich’s request is not only far from the answer origin from the institutions, but attentive to the right to demonstrate each person, beyond the club to which he may be associated.
“That is to say that the same clubs that supposedly cover up their partners, are the ones who do not get tired of sending things to AFA so that we send them to Bahía Blanca: 12 trucks have already come out and things continue to arrive” things “another hierarchical source of AFA consulted.
At the moment, no institution replied in its accounts on social networks a proclamation against the SAD, how it happened in the last presidential campaign, a wink that from the space that Milei commanded as support for the candidacy of Sergio Massa. Apparently, in Viamonte 1366 they do not plan to echo the request of Minister Bullrich.
A conurbano club whose shirt was repeated among Wednesday’s protesters, was consulted by the security request. “This is a club, it is not a SAD in which the employer dismisses the employee because they ask for it ”closed with another wink to the other position that divides the government and a good part of the AFA clubs.