Brazil women’s basketball team coach resigns for his faith

Brazil women’s basketball team coach resigns for his faith

José Neto, until recently coach of the Brazilian women’s basketball team, announced his resignation at the end of June, through their social networks: “Following the principles and values ​​of my faith, to which I owe everything I am and have, I want to announce that today (27), I am leaving my position as coach of the Brazilian women’s basketball team.”

According to Neto, his decision was based on the dismissal of the team’s physical trainer, Diego Falcão, a Catholic, for making anti-abortion posts on social networks.

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In his statement, José Neto thanked “the CBB, specifically President Guy Peixoto and Vice President Marcelo Souza” for allowing him to “fulfill once again a dream of representing” Brazil and for the trust in his work during the last six years that He was coach of the Brazilian women’s basketball team.

After thanking the confederation and the athletes, Neto said: “I end with a phrase that I have always used in our career: ‘In life there is no reward and there is no punishment. What exists is a consequence! Sowing is free , but the harvest is mandatory!’ May God bless each of you immensely! Let’s keep moving forward!”

Translated and adapted by the ACI Prensa team. Originally published in ACI Digital.


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