Book brings together more than 80 novenas of saints and liturgical festivals of the Catholic Church

The publishing house Minha Biblioteca Católica (My Catholic Library) launched the book Novenarywith more than 80 novenas organized by month and by commemorative dates of saints and liturgical holidays of the Catholic Church.

Novenary is part of the annual campaign called “Towards Holiness”, which “is an initiative of Minha Biblioteca Católica for the year 2024, which seeks to guide and inspire the faithful on their spiritual path, through reflections, small daily actions, as well as as practices and devotions that can help them grow in faith and in a life of holiness,” Matheus Bazzo, founder of Minha Biblioteca Católica, told ACI Digital—EWTN News’ Portuguese-language agency.

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Bazzo noted that the novenas were chosen from books and publications of dioceses and parishes in various languages. “This work is the result of an intense year of work and research,” he said. “Our novena is an invitation to rediscover and experience the richness of the Catholic Tradition, strengthening the faith and devotion of all.”

The novena, of 827 pages, has a imprimaturwhich guarantees the authenticity and approval of the ecclesiastical authorities. Each novena is accompanied by an introduction adapted from the Catholic Encyclopedia on the origin of this type of prayer, guidance from Saint Alphonsus Liguori on the disposition necessary to perform it, and meditations on the lives of the saints and the festivals of the Church. There are novenas “directed to specific causes, such as the novena of work, by Saint Josemaría Escrivá, and that of purification, asking for Mary’s intercession for a pure heart,” the editor highlighted.

According to Bazzo, the creation of a book with novenas “arose from the desire to rescue and strengthen a very significant devotional practice in the lives of Catholics.”

“Although the practice of novenas is still lived in many Catholic communities, in some cases it has been left aside or forgotten by a large part of the faithful,” said Bazzo. “Many no longer know or have access to the prayers that our ancestors used to practice.”

“This model originated in the Ascension of the Lord, when Jesus asked the apostles to remain united in prayer until they received the Holy Spirit, which occurred on Pentecost, nine days after Christ ascended to heaven,” Bazzo recalled.

He Novenary can be purchased, in Portuguese, at My Catholic Library website.

Translated and adapted by the ACI Prensa team. Originally published in ACI Digital.

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