Book analyzes the role of women in cinema from a Catholic perspective

Book analyzes the role of women in cinema from a Catholic perspective

Female loneliness and immaturity are also present in Basallo and Díez’s analysis. This is seen in Meryl Streep’s character in The Devil Wears Prada, that “when she gets off her pedestal, the stiletto shoe – a symbol of power – appears for what it is: a moral dwarf.”

On the other hand, immaturity is reflected in the mythical Thelma & Louisewhose protagonists rebel “against the fear of commitment of the boyfriend who never takes the step of getting married and against the machismo of the husband.”

Although in the authors’ opinion this rebellion has a reasonable cause, “that does not justify the war they declare against men throughout their eventful journey.” In their analysis they conclude that “feminist revenge, the famous #MeToo, is not the solution, because it literally leads nowhere” as seen in the outcome of Ridley Scott’s film.

In any case, Basallo and Díez do not reject the contribution of women’s feminine being to the professional world. On the contrary, they consider that she “must do it” in a way “as brave or effective as men and, nevertheless, very human, a true lady in a world of sharks.”


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