Bolivia: Bishop sends its closeness to the bus accident that left 30 dead

Bolivia: Bishop sends its closeness to the bus accident that left 30 dead

The Bishop of Potosí (Bolivia) expressed its closeness and condolences for the death of at least 30 people in a bus accident on February 17.

On Monday, the driver of a bus, which walked the mountain route between Oruro and Potosí, lost control of the vehicle, causing a fall to a ravine of almost 800 meters. The tragedy had 30 fatal victims and 14 passengers were injured, including four children.

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Given what happened, the bishop of Potosí, Mons his friends, his classmates. ”

“To each of you, to parents, moms, husbands, wives, children, I want to express my sense of condolence, but above all my prayer, my proximity to you,” said the prelate.

“We know that life is so fragile, and at all times and circumstances we must also know that God does not abandon us, He is close to each of us,” he said.

“I pray with you for the eternal rest of these brothers of ours who have lost their lives in this tragic accident. I accompany you with my closeness and my prayer to each of you to ask God to give you strength, to help you look with hope in these difficult times and give my blessing to each of these families that lives these moments of pain for the death of their loved ones, ”he said.

“That God, in his infinite mercy, gives the eternal rest to these brothers who have died. That the perpetual light shines for them. Rest in peace. Amen, ”he concluded, with his blessing.


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