Bolivia: Bishop Leigue Cesari, Archbishop of Santa Cruz, was extubated and continues to recover

The latest medical report from the Archbishop of Santa Cruz (Bolivia), Mons. René Leigue Cesari, who underwent surgery and had presented some respiratory complications, reflects improvements in his state of health.

Operated a week ago for acute appendicitis with localized peritonitis, in the first days of his recovery at the Catholic Hospital, the prelate presented a pulmonary complication, for which he had to be intubated.

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In the last medical partpublished on August 29, the medical director of that health center, Dr. Dorian Jiménez, expressed: “With the grace of God, until 11:00 p.m., His Excellency Mons. René Leigue Cesari, has satisfactorily passed the first 24 hours of extubation.”

The archbishop is reacting positively to the treatment, and the next few hours are key to determining the success of the procedure applied.

Mons. Leigue Cesari was admitted to the Catholic Hospital on Friday, August 23, with symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, nausea and leukocytosis. There, a laparoscopic appendectomy was performed under general anesthesia, lasting an hour and a half, and without complications.

However, a few days later he had to be transferred to the intensive care unit due to a sudden pulmonary complication, for which he was connected to a respirator. Doctors performed the extubation on Thursday, August 28, and are currently evaluating the response.

In recent days, the Catholic community of Santa Cruz joined together in prayer for their pastor.

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