Bolivia: Archbishop experiences lung complication while recovering from surgery

Bolivia: Archbishop experiences lung complication while recovering from surgery

The Archbishop of Santa Cruz (Bolivia), Mons. René Leigue Cesari, who underwent emergency surgery, suffered a pulmonary complication while recovering at the Catholic Hospital, and had to be transferred to the Intensive Care Unit.

On Friday, August 23, after presenting symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, nausea and leukocytosis, Mons. Leigue Cesari was admitted to the Catholic Hospital, where he was diagnosed with acute appendicitis with localized peritonitis and had to undergo surgery.

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As explained by Dr. Dorian Jiménezmedical director of the Hospital, underwent a laparoscopic appendectomy under general anesthesia, lasting an hour and a half, and without complications.

The surgery was successful, but on Tuesday morning, the Fides Agency announced that, as a result of a sudden pulmonary complication, the archbishop had to be transferred to the Intensive Care Unit and connected to a respirator.

His condition, they explained, is “pulmonary atelectasis associated with pneumonia,” but it is controlled and a favorable recovery is expected.

The prelate will remain in the Hospital until he achieves full recovery and completes the antibiotic regimen, anticipated its director.


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