Boca received a harsh punishment from Conmebol for racism

Boca received a harsh punishment from Conmebol for racism

Racism has closed doors in South American football. For this reason, Conmebol does not bother when the fans of the clubs that participate in the Libertadores and Sudamericana cups have discriminatory attitudes. The one who will now have to pay the costs will be Boca. It’s just that the club received this Sunday a harsh penalty which involves the payment of a heavy fine and other issues that will affect the capacity for Tuesday’s match against Sportsman Trinidad.

This is what it indicates the statement that the club issued on Sunday afternoon, which details the institution’s commitment to fighting for everything related to discrimination and urges members and fans who regularly attend the Bombonera to pay special attention in order to avoid bad times and major consequences, both for the club and for the members themselves.

The Conmebol sanction comes from the last game that Boca played at home in its stadium during the 2023 edition of the Copa Libertadores. It was for the first leg of the semifinals against Palm trees. He must pay a fine of $100,000 and must also display a flag that condemns racism, in addition to suffering the partial closure of the southern members’ tribune. -the low tray that overlooks the Riachuelo-.

The details of the punishment

Boca issued a statement a few hours after having posted an image on its networks to condemn racism. And a while later the details were released regarding the limitations that the organization of the meeting will have. You must reduce the capacity of public entry to the aforementioned grandstand until reaching 2,900 spectators.

In that same sector, the organization will display the flag with the message “Enough of racism”, limiting the availability of the public present in the perimeter that borders it. As indicated, security personnel will indicate the limits using a textile separation.

The second statement indicates that The entrance to that stand will be for this game only through door 4, on Brandsen Street and that – once the capacity is exhausted – those who continue approaching will be referred to Sector P, from the upper tray of the same tribune. Meanwhile, the evacuation will be for this portion of the stadium through doors 4 and 8 (the usual ones).

The notice

“Due to the sanction imposed by Conmebol for violation of article 15.2 of the Disciplinary Code, which punishes the commission of racist acts, The club was ordered to pay a fine of $100,000, the partial closure of the Socios Sur stand and the display of a flag condemning racism.“.

Boca, once again, calls on all members to accompany this Tuesday with commensurate behavior and also warns that will make available all means to identify and sanction the people involved in this type of actions, to whom the harshest sanctions may be imposed. that the regulations provide, including his expulsion.

Within the framework of a new international match in La Bombonera, we call on the fans to reflect and experience the match with the passion that characterizes us but far from any type of racist demonstration and xenophobic acts. And we ratify our commitment to football free of any kind of discrimination.”

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