Bishops of Venezuela ratified their support and solidarity for the country’s migrants

Bishops of Venezuela ratified their support and solidarity for the country’s migrants

The bishops of Venezuela – headed by Bishop Jesús González de Zárate, Archbishop of Cumaná and president of the Venezuelan Episcopate – ratified their support, solidarity and prayer for Venezuelan migrants, who are forced to leave the country due to its complicated economic reality, social and political.

Through a video, posted on X’s account (formerly Twitter) of the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference (CEV), Bishop González recalled that the prelates have followed the immigration issue very closely over the years, because “it touches the concrete life of our society and the Church,” since many of These people are parishioners who lived in the different dioceses of the country.

“In addition to the social assistance initiatives, which are carried out through Cáritas and the CLAMOR Network, we have had initiatives to meet with the Episcopate of the Church of Colombia, to better understand this reality and be able to serve these brothers, not only in the scope of their material needs but also in their spiritual needs,” said the president of the CEV.

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