Before the fifth anniversary of its Mothers Support Program in a situation of need in the United States, the US Catholic Bishops Conference (USCCB) has called on parishes throughout the country to intensify efforts and “implement the gospel of life” providing openness and help to vulnerable women and children.
The solemnity of the announcement of the Lord, on March 25, will mark the fifth anniversary of Walking with Moms in Need (Walking with moms in need) and the 30th anniversary of the encyclical Life (The Gospel of Life) of St. John Paul II, who inspired the initiative.
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Walking with Moms in Need It is a parish at the national level that seeks to “increase the scope and support for pregnant mothers and children who face difficulties.”
The parishes participate in the initiative following the Parish action guide USCCBstarting with a one -year process that includes an inventory of the resources available for mothers in the community and the creation of a plan to cover any need that is not satisfied.
Parishes are encouraged to take measures such as the creation of new ministries and the approach to mothers in need in their community.
Kansas City Archbishop, Mons. Joseph Naumann, supervised the Program launch in 2020when he served as president of the Committee of Provid Activities of the USCCB.
“From the launch of Walking with Moms in NeedCatholics in diocese and parishes throughout the country have put into practice the gospel of life, joining in a shared mission to surround with love support and personal accompaniment to pregnant mothers and with children in a situation of necessity, ”he said
On Wednesday the Bishop of Toledo, Ohio, Mons. Daniel Thomas, current president of the Committee.
“Heroic volunteers have taken a step forward to make our parishes places where a mother can find significant resources and assistance and, most importantly, know that she and her baby are not alone,” he added.
He added: “The Annunciation reminds us that our Lord Jesus came to Earth as a vulnerable child in the belly of the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
The bishop concluded his message asking for sentences for the Ministry to establish in each parish and diocese of the country. “Each parish has something unique, that God calls her to contribute to the efforts of the Church, to transform our society into a culture of life and a civilization of love,” he said.
“That every mother knows that she can go to her local Catholic parish at the time of necessity,” he said.
Translated and adapted by ACI Press. Originally published in CNA.