Bishops doubt unanimous support of Poor Clares for schismatic letter from their abbess

Bishops doubt unanimous support of Poor Clares for schismatic letter from their abbess

The Spanish bishops express doubts about the unanimous support of the community of Poor Clares of the Monasteries of Belorado and Orduña for the letter of schismatic content and the sedevacantist manifesto that were announced last Monday, May 13.

According to these documents, the community of Poor Clare sisters from the monasteries of Belorado and Orduña would have placed themselves under the tutelage of a “bishop” excommunicated in 2019 and founder of a group of pre-conciliar ideology, abandoning the Catholic Church.

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In a note released by the Episcopal Commission for Consecrated Life (CEVC), the prelates ask that “each sister of the Monastery of Belorado y Orduña, in the exercise of her freedom of conscience, can express her position regarding the decision communicated by the abbess.” This request is linked to the fact that they consider that, “in fact, the development of events suggests that not all the sisters subscribe to the abbess’ ‘letter’.”

Along these same lines, the body dependent on the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) urges religious women “to dialogue with bishops, priests, consecrated persons, brothers and sisters of the Catholic Church, who, faithful to the truth and in communion with the Pope Francisco, seek the good for this Monastery and for each Poor Clare sister.”

The CEVC considers “the offensive and recriminatory tone of the ‘manifesto’ and the ‘letter’, as well as some terms – for example, that of ‘submission’ to a false bishop and supposed leader of a sect – are not typical of the usual way of communicating for these sisters.”

Furthermore, the bishops point out that the sisters “now express themselves publicly not only in the written words of the abbess, but also in the media, abounding in confusing expressions that seem to be the result of deception.”

“We don’t believe he is Pope”

The bishops refer to the statements of the abbess, Mother Elizabeth of the Trinity, in a television interview conducted this Wednesday in Telecincoin which he states about Pope Francis: “We do not believe that he is Pope.”

“We have already fallen into a kind of reverie in which we have seen that all of this was still an invention that they had made a lot of years ago. A farce in the end in which they have invented a new Church to get to where we are after 40 years, in which there is almost no trace left of what the Catholic Church has been since the foundation by Our Lord Jesus Christ,” he said. in reference to the Second Vatican Council.

The abbess stated that they are “deeply disappointed in this usurpation and that they continue to say that he is the Pope and that the others are the bishops.” Likewise, she added: “Be careful, they are deceiving us because there are wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

When asked by the interviewer, the abbess stated: “Anathema is that he calls himself Pope without being one. That’s the problem. That everything is so distorted that it is very sad”, before encouraging us to compare “the life of Jesus Christ and the life of the saints and the life of the Church that has been two thousand years with what they currently call the Pope and call the Roman curia and what they are doing with the parishes, which seem more Anglican than Catholic.”

On the other hand, in the last few hours the community has opened a new account on Instagram in which they have published a photo and two videos taken at the Belorado monastery inn.

The sisters say they are not “kidnapped”

In the first of the videos, one of the sisters explains, given “the concerns that are arising and that reach us, that we are fine. “That our reality is not that we are kidnapped, far from our families.”

“We are not leaving the Church. We will explain it to you. So those of you who are worried about this, have a little patience,” he adds without giving further explanations for the moment.

In the second footage, it shows that some of the sisters’ relatives went to the inn yesterday before concluding: “Really, don’t worry so much. Pray, that is what is important so that the Lord enlightens all of our hearts.”

The bishops reach out to the Poor Clares

The bishops of the CEVC, who have supported the joint statement of the Archbishopric of Burgos and the Bishopric of Vitoria and show themselves “with their hand extended to these sisters”, express their desire to “put these events before the Lord Jesus, a hope that will not “disappoints”, citing the bull calling for the Jubilee of 2025.

They also affirm their commitment to “continue striving to work for the fraternal communion of the Church; avoid extreme positions and polarizations; increase spiritual discernment in daily life, personally and communally; “to grow in listening to the brothers, in the light of the Holy Spirit, as the synodal path indicates, and to take care of the fraternal relationships between all the members of the Church.”

President of the EEC: It is a case of “psychological care”

The Archbishop of Valladolid and president of the EEC, Mons. Luis Arguello, asked about the case in Alpha y Omegahalf owned by the Archbishopric of Madrid, considered to be

“This is another case of psychological attention, because it is not possible to make these statements about the last Popes and think that the Spirit has been wrong since the Second Vatican Council.”

In his opinion, “what is also worrying is that this is used to say that even the cloistered nuns think that the Church is poorly governed.” For this reason, the prelate has made a “great call to trust in the Church and in the Holy Spirit, in the gift that all the Pontiffs have been, and to resist the temptation to be carried away by the various sensitivities manipulated ideologically. “We all belong to the Lord and to the Church that He has willed.”

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