Bishopric of Spain reprimands a Salesian priest for an apparent “liturgy” in a swimming pool that went viral

The Bishopric of Asidonia-Jerez (Spain) reprimanded the Salesian priest Marco Antonio Martínez Moreno for the scandal caused by some photos in which he appears to celebrate Mass “in a manner manifestly contrary to liturgical norms.”

In recent days, images of a youth camp at the Salesiano Manuel Lora Tamayo School, in Jerez de la Frontera, in which Father Martínez Moreno participated, circulated on social networks.

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In a photograph the priest is seen in his liturgical vestments accompanied by two young men in bathing suits holding the chalice and the host, it is not clear whether the photo was captured during a Eucharist and at the time of the consecration.

In another image he appears at what would be the altar, while several young people observe him sitting in a pool; and then he is seen inside her, at what would seem to be the moment of Communion.

In a statement Published on July 31, the Bishopric of Asidonia-Jerez reported that, after the scandal caused by the photos, the priest was asked “for clarification on the matter.”

According to the text, Father Martínez Moreno stated that he was very sorry for “whatever may have caused harm to our beloved Church.”

“Evidently the context of the paraliturgy that we celebrate is missing. Neither the Eucharist was celebrated in the pool nor does that moment belong to the Eucharist. Before starting, there is always an explanation of the different parts of the Eucharist. That day it was precisely time to explain that moment and its meaning along with the Lord’s Prayer,” says the priest.

The Bishopric points out that Father Martínez “has been reminded that ‘young people (children and adults) are rude when they are not even helped to distinguish the Liturgy from the beach and scandal is caused to everyone when a priest does and undoes the liturgy at will.”

“We are not owners of the liturgy or the sacraments,” the bishopric expresses, “nor are we owners of the Gospel or the other goods of salvation that the Church has placed in our hands. We are servants and as such we are called to evangelize.”

The statement reports that, “for the record, the written reprimand has been sent to Father Marco Antonio,” in accordance with the Code of Canon Law.

The text concludes by assuring that “the Salesian priest has reiterated his apologies for the damage he may have caused, he has expressed being very sad about what happened and has expressed gratitude for the fraternal correction.”


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