Bishop remembers Benedict XVI and says: You cannot bless couples who simulate marriage

Although the statement does not mention Begging for confidence of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, chaired by Cardinal Víctor Fernández, published on December 18, which allows the blessing of same-sex couples in an irregular situation, the Spanish prelate made a series of clarifications about who he cannot bless the Catholic Church.

“It cannot bless human equipment or places or instruments intended to carry out the death of those who are going to be born or those who do not want to continue living; nor the equipment and places intended for the forced indoctrination of citizens or its planning; nor the couples that cut out or simulate marriage nor the equipment or places intended for such purposes; nor associations or groups whose purpose, against the common good, is economic or political corruption,” explained the Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid.

For the Spanish prelate, “the great challenge of the Church today is to evangelize modernity without falling into the temptation of ‘modernizing’ Christianity. Pope Ratzinger has undoubtedly been sent by God with just that mission: to open paths to evangelize modern culture, avoiding the current danger of modernism. What roads? It seems to me that there are two fundamental ones: that of freedom and that of hope.”


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