Bishop Raimo Goyarrola explains the key to the increase in Catholics in Finland

Bishop Raimo Goyarrola explains the key to the increase in Catholics in Finland

The key?: “Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. If we make room for the Lord in our hearts, we will be able to bring him to others. We are like the first Christians. Wherever we are we will be salt and light for others, with our love, friendship, testimony. “The first Christians changed society.”

He explains that “some are attracted by the sacrament of Confession, others by the Eucharist, others by the figure of the Pope, others by the clear, positive and beautiful doctrine of marriage and human life.”

He emphasizes that “the Finn until a few years ago has been a believing person, mostly Lutheran.”

“Secularization,” he continues, “is wreaking havoc on the population by leaps and bounds, but the faith of Finnish Catholics is going to be that light that will not only allow us to see the path that goes to the Father’s house, where we are all called, but also heat to melt those hearts frozen by distance from God and make them warmer, more human and more divine,” he says.

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