Bishop offers 4 keys to forge purity of heart

Bishop offers 4 keys to forge purity of heart

The Prelate points out that “in addition to feeding ourselves with these models of pure love,” we must “take seriously the inner battle of righteousness for purity of intention.”

People must strive to purify their intentions in their relationships with others, because “second or third intentions easily creep into us.” That is to say, although at the beginning “I have a good desire”, later “other desires that are not clean” can be mixed.

To explain it, Bishop Munilla cites the biblical text of the Letter of Saint Paul to the Romans 12, 2: “Do not conform to this world, on the contrary, transform yourselves internally with a new mentality, to discern the will of God, which that is good and acceptable and perfect.”

This means that “do not settle for mediocrity, do not settle for anything other than purity in love, do not take as a reference point what most others do. “May your criterion of morality not be a lowest common denominator of what is experienced in your environment,” outlines the Prelate.


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