Basilica of Santa Clara contains Crucifix that spoke to Saint Francis of Assisi

The Basilica of Santa Clara in Assisi (Italy) is the sacred place that guards the Crucifix that spoke to Saint Francis of Assisi.

This church was built after the death of Saint Clare, between 1257 and 1265, near the old church of Saint George, where the mortal remains of Saint Francis were kept until 1230.

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At that time the monastery was also built to which the Poor Clares moved in 1260 from San Damiano, carrying various relics and also the Crucifix that spoke to Saint Francis.

This Crucifix is ​​of Byzantine style and was initially located in the primitive church of Saint George. Currently, it is kept in the chapel of Saint George.

The Christ of the Crucifix He spoke to Saint Francis and asked him to “repair” the Church. Furthermore, the mortal remains of Saint Clare, the first and most faithful disciple of Saint Francis, are kept in the crypt of the church.

Behind the crypt are some important Franciscan relics, for examplesome humble tunics worn by Saint Francis and Saint Clarean embroidered blouse of Saint Clare and some hair of Saint Clare cut by Saint Francis.

The façade of the Basilica of Santa Clara is designed by white and pink stone from Mount Subasio; The interior structure is a single nave, like the upper church of San Francisco, which has a polygonal apse.

In the nave there are two side chapels with Saint Agnes of Assisi and Saint George. Furthermore, on the left side you can see eight wooden tables that show stories of the life of Saint Clare made in 1238.

The cloistered convent of Santa Clara is located next door, towards the valley with a cloister that can be accessed from the old crypt of the church of San Jorge.

Translated and adapted by ACI Prensa. Originally published in ACI Press on August 11, 2022. It has been updated for republication.

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