Audio retreats: Know this new way of making spiritual breaks in the digital era

In an increasingly accelerated world, finding moments of silence and reflection may seem like a challenge. Therefore, some congregations, apostolates and evangelization platforms have devised virtual retreats to help the faithful to pause.

Opus Dei, for example, has a virtual retreat called #DesDecasawhich has a guide to make a monthly retirement on your own, where you are, especially in case of difficulty of attending the oratory or church. This method has a downloadable PDF, as well as audio meditations, a talk, spiritual reading and examination of consciousness.

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Other initiatives have also prepared virtual retreats for Lent 2025, such as the YouTube channel Captivated by the wordof the Spanish priest Manuel Pérez Tendero. Also, the application of Catholic meditation Hallow and the streaming platform Formeddedicated to spiritual formation, they offer virtual retreats to deepen faith.

For its part, the Catholic Evangelization Platform New Fire has launched an innovative project within its podcast What would Jesus dowhich has called “audio retreats.”

Maria Claudia Escobar, Operations Director of New Fire, explains that this innovative proposal seeks to provide listeners a spiritual retirement experience in video and audio format.

“The daily reflection of the Gospel is an excellent tool for daily prayer, but we saw the need for at least once a month, people would make a longer pause to deepen their encounter with God,” said Escobar in an interview with ACI Press.

The audio retreats are published First Saturday of each month in Spotify y YouTubeand last between 30 to 45 minutes. Unlike the daily episodes of the podcast, these retreats do not focus on the Gospel of the day, but on specific issues of faith.

“Each Retirement Audio includes an introduction to the subject, the reading or meditation of a passage of writing, guided prayer, solid formative content and reflection questions to apply what they learned in everyday life,” says Escobar.

The team behind these retreats is made up of Seven Legionary Priests of Christ: P. Jorge Obregón; P. Luis Rodrigo Núñez; P. Gabriel Abascal; P. Evanibaldo Díaz L; P. Jesús Rodríguez; P Juan Antonio Ruíz; and P. Pablo Solís. In addition, other specialized priests are invited on certain issues.

The issues of retreats are aligned with the liturgical calendar and religious festivities. “For example, in February the retirement was about the Languages ​​of God’s lovein the context of Valentine’s Day. In March, with the beginning of Lent, the theme was The passage through the desert”, Explains Escobar. Other issues addressed have been the virtues of Mary and life as a vocation, that is, as a call.

The inspiration for this initiative comes from the regnum Christi, an ecclesial movement to which New Fire members belong.

“One of the means of perseverance offered by the regnum Christi is the month withdrawala monthly pause for prayer and personal reflection in an environment of serenity and silence. We wanted to transfer this tool to the digital format so that anyone, regardless of where it is, can live this experience, ”said Escobar.

The public’s response has been very positive

Escobar says that they have received many comments from people who are looking forward to each monthly retreat. “Some even gather in groups to listen to him together and live this moment of pause and find God in community,” he says.

Since its launch in December 2024, audio retreats have reached an average of 10,000 monthly views.

“The world of today generates the need for a pause, of an intentional space of silence to meet God and let our life illuminate,” concludes Escobar.

The audio withdrawals are available in Spotify y YouTube. In addition, in the New Fire social networks You can find other evangelization resources, such as podcasts, courses, videos and articles.

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