The third edition of the ARQ FADEA National Award Region by Region: the contest that Clarín has held since 2010 together with the Argentine Federation of Architectural Entities, with the sponsorship of UNICER, whose objective is to give due recognition and promote good architecture that is produced in the country.
And as advertised, it tries to recognize the geographical, social, economic and cultural particularities of each area. From Ushuaia to Quiaca and from the Cordillera to the Atlantic Coast, a deep look that helps to expand the cultural thickness of our architecture. And whose works will serve, as they have been doing since previous editions, as experience and reference to new achievements.
The 2010/12 Grand Prix went to Puerto Roldan House, projected by Maite Fernández and Gerardo Caballero. A modest home located in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Rosario that reflected on some of the common typologies in our suburbs. Those corner buildings that are like waiting for that city that never comes to them.

In the second edition, a very Miesian work, the Pavilion-bridge, by Joaquín Alarcia and Federico Ferrer Deheza from Córdoba, captured the favor of the jury for its synthesis, its elegance and its relationship with the site. The small pavilion-bridge is perched on the banks of a canal that reaches Lake Los Molinos, in Córdoba, in the middle of a eucalyptus forest.

But in addition to these great prizes, the contest showed a quantity and variety of works and made architects and studios visible which allowed, in those editions, to make a kind of x-ray of the national architectural production. We will see what the panorama that the clipping of this edition that covers the last six years shows us.

The mechanics of the ARQ FADEA National Award
The award, as in previous editions, has two instances. In the first they compete separately each of the eight regions. These are: Province of Buenos Aires, City of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Southern Region, Nuevo Cuyo Region, Northeast Region and Northwest Region.

One of the new things is that a new category is added to give rise to a recurring theme among architects, the individual home. Consequently, there will be three categories: Private Work, Public Work, both with subcategories Minor Scale, Medium Scale and Major Scale. And the third category, Single Family Housing, with its subcategories of Minor Scale and Major Scale. For each of these items there will be a first, second and third prize, and also up to three mentions.
The Second instance confront the first prizes of each category of each region for the Grand Prize, which will again have a first, second and third place; and mentions. Of course, part of the success of the award not only lies in a good call, but also in there being chemistry between those who evaluate the projects. For that reason the judge will be composed -in addition to ARQ and FADEA-, of representatives from each of the regions.

The regional awards will be announced throughout the year and will be accompanied by ARQ special editions with the publication of the winning works. At the same time, the grand final of the ARQ FADEA National Award will take place in March 2025 and will culminate with an event in Buenos Aires.
In short, the idea is to be able to rake, region by region, the best architecture produced in the country. Make it known, spread it and recognize the work of our professionals that challenge and find solutions to the geographical, cultural, social and economic conditions that are so diverse and rich that our country has. «
Launch February 27, 2024.
Work receptions From April 2 to April 19, 2024 at 6 p.m.
Consultation round They are received until March 18, 2024 and will be answered on March 22, 2024.
Regional Jury Decisions Starting May 6, 2024.
National Award Jury Decision March 2025.
Queries will be sent to email communication addressed to: Advice on the “ARQ FADEA National Grand Prize” Competition 2024/2025 Edition. They will be responded to the registration email and uploaded to the FADEA website.
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