The servant of God Manuel Costa de los Ríos, better known as “El Negro Manuel”, the first servant of the Virgin of Luján in Argentina, took another step in his way to the altars, with the beginning of the Roman phase of his canonization process.
On March 21, the boxes with the authentic copy of the documentation belonging to the cause of canonization reached the Dicasteria for the causes of the saints, in Rome, where its opening was opened, which marked the beginning of the Roman phase of the process.
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In addition to the documentation, the letters of the archbishop of Mercedes-Luján, Mons. Jorge Eduardo Scheinig, and of the Atquidiocesan Court were presented.
The ceremony was headed by Dicastery officials for the causes of the saints and was attended by the postulator for the Rome phase, licensed Geraldine Mackintosh; and the vicepostulator of the Roman phase, Fr. Sebastián Terraneo.
After a prayer in which Fr. Terranian requested the intercession of the Virgin of Luján for this phase that begins, the boxes and verification of the documents and the envelopes with the procedural records were opened.
At this stage of the cause of canonization, the documentary and testimonial evidence gathered in the diocesan stage by mandate of Mons. Scheinig will be evaluated and studied.
In the case of verifying the heroic virtues of the “Negrito Manuel”, the Pope may declare it venerable. For the subsequent steps – benefit and canonization – the verification of miracles attributed to its intercession will be required.
After the ceremony, the postulator and the vicepostulator then met with Fr. Ángelo Romano, general rapporteur of Dicastery, with whom they talked about the life of the Negrito Manuel and the ecclesial importance of his cause.
By spreading the news Of this new step in its cause of canonization, from the Archdiocese of Mercedes-Luján, they stressed that “the figure of our dear Negrito Manuel, a faithful server of the Virgin of Luján, is endearing for the entire Argentine people” and assured: “Model of subsidiary love, humility, service and availability towards the neighbor, the faithful from all parts of the country permanently go to him, seeking his intercession.
Who was the black Manuel Costa de los Ríos?
The “Black Manuel” was a slave born, raised and put in captivity in Costa de los Ríos, in what was then known as the upper guinea, in Africa. He arrived at the Río de la Plata, in the current Argentina, as part of a lot of slaves that were going to be marketed in Buenos Aires.
In 1630, working in lands administered by the military Bernabé González Filiano, he was a qualified witness of the miracle that the cart that carried the image of the Virgin of Luján was arrested.
Immediately, his master put Black Manuel to guard the sacred image of the Virgin in the first oratory dedicated to her veneration. From there it is recognized “slave of the Virgin.”
The heirs of his master sold him, and Manuel became a slave of the Virgin of Luján, at whose service he continued in the town of Luján for 56 years. From there arises the famous phrase attributed to black Manuel: “I am from the Virgin just”, considering her her mistress and ma’am.
“It was a living manifestation of the tender love of the Immaculate Virgin, always in holy zeal to ensure its greatest glory through the faithful ministry to serve it in a condition of humble sacristan,” said the attorney of the cause, Mons. Juan Guillermo Durán.
He died in 1686, after more than many years of serving the Virgin and the pilgrims who came to the place. His body was buried behind the main altar of the sanctuary, which at that time was finishing building.